Author: Cheryl Thomas

Blog Summer 2019

Mae gwyliau’r haf yn agosáu a chyn bo hir byddwn yn ffarwelio â rhai o’n ffrindiau a fydd yn dechrau yn yr ysgol gynradd ym mis Medi. I nodi’r achlysur byddwn yn cynnal parti graddio a byddwn yn anfon manylion erbyn diwedd yr wythnos.

Yn ddiweddar rydym wedi croesawu Anwen, Lucy a Sophie i’n tîm. Mae’r merched ifanc hyn wedi dewis gwneud hyfforddiant seiliedig ar waith gyda ni a byddant yn gweithio’n galed iawn dros y blynyddoedd nesaf i gyrraedd y safonau sy’n ofynnol i ddod yn Gynorthwywyr Chwarae cymwys.

Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Carla ar ddechrau ei NVQ Lefel 3. Mae Cheryl a Stacey wedi mynychu noson wybodaeth yn ddiweddar gyda CBAC & City and Guilds i ddysgu mwy am y llwybrau hyfforddi a chymwysterau newydd ar gyfer staff ifanc. Mae Cheryl wedi mynychu hyfforddiant gydag Academi Busnes Gogledd Cymru ac mae wedi bod yn brysur yn paratoi i basio’r arholiad ar y diwedd.

Erbyn hyn bydd y rhan fwyaf o bobl wedi cwrdd ag Eugine sydd wedi ymuno â ni o Brifysgol Bangor i gwblhau ei brosiect ymchwil i hyfforddi staff newydd ym Makaton yn ogystal â datblygu sgiliau arwyddo newydd yn ein staff sydd wedi cymryd rhan mewn prosiect tebyg yn ddiweddar. Mae’n gweithio’n galed iawn a hoffem ddiolch yn fawr iddo am weithio gyda ni.

Rydym wedi cael llawer o salwch yn ddiweddarach ac er ein bod yn brysur yn diheintio ac yn glanhau fwy nag unwaith y dydd, hoffem atgoffa rhieni bod cyfnod gwahardd o 48 awr ar ôl i chi fod yn sâl ar ôl bygiau stymog. Ar gyfer frech ieir rhaid i bob spotyn fod wedi sychu a chrachu am gyfnod o o leiaf un diwrrnod cyn fedrwn derbyn y plentyn yn ôl i’r meithrinfa. Mae hyn fel arfer 5-7 diwrnod ar ôl i’r smotiau cyntaf ymddangos. Rydym yn llwyr sylweddoli ei bod yn anodd i rieni sy’n gweithio ond mae’n rhaid i ni ddilyn y canllawiau a osodwyd gan Iechyd y Cyhoedd er mwyn diogelu lles yr holl blant a staff.

Os ydych chi wedi cyrraedd adref gydag eitem o ddillad nad yw’n perthyn i chi, a wnewch chi ei dychwelyd i’r feithrinfa a byddwn yn dod o hyd i berchennog cyfiawn, diolch. Pe gallech chi roi enwau mewn unrhyw ddillad y gellir eu tynnu fel hetiau a chardiganau, byddai’n ein helpu llawer.

Yn olaf ……. Diwrnod olaf Sasha cyn iddi gychwyn cyfnod mamolaeth fydd 18 Gorffennaf cyn dechrau ei chyfnod mamolaeth. Roedd pawb wedi mwynhau prynhawn ‘baby shower’ yn y Sea Shanty dros y penwythnos. Dymunwn y gorau iddi a byddwn yn ei cholli’n ofnadwy.

The summer holidays are approaching really quickly and we will soon be saying goodbye to some of our friends who will be starting primary school in September. To mark the occasion we will be holding a graduation party and will send details by the end of the week.

We have recently welcomed Anwen, Lucy and Sophie to our team. All three of these young ladies have chosen to do work based training with us and will be working very hard over the next few years to reach the standards required to become fully qualified Play Assistants.

Congratulations to Carla on starting her NVQ Level 3. Cheryl and Stacey have recently attended an information evening with WJEC & City and Guilds to learn more about the new training pathways and qualifications for young staff. Cheryl has attended training with the North Wales Business Academy and has been busy preparing to pass the exam at the end.

By now most people will have met Eugine who has joined us from Bangor University to complete his research project in training new staff in Makaton aswell as developing new signing skills in our staff who have taken part in a similar project recently. He is working very hard and we would like to say a huge thank you to him for working with us.

We have had quite a lot of illness lately and while we are busy disinfecting and cleaning more than once a day we would like to remind parents that there is a 48 hour exclusion period after you have last been ill with a stomach bug. For chicken pox all spots must have dried and scabbed before a child is allowed back into nursery. This is usually 5-7 days after the first spots appear. We fully appreciate that it is difficult for working parents but we have to follow the guidelines set by Public Health in order to safeguard the wellbeing of all children and staff.

Could we please ask that parents put names in hats, cardigans and clothing that can be removed. If you have arrived home with an item of clothing that doesn’t belong to you please could you return it to the nursery and we will find it’s rightful owner, thank you.

Finally……. It will be Sasha’s last day in work on Thursday the 18th of July before starting her maternity leave. Everyone enjoyed a Baby Shower in the Sea Shanty over the weekend.  We wish her all the best and we are going to miss her terribly.

Easter fun/Hwyl y Pasg

Everyone at the nursery has had a very busy couple of weeks recently, we have been busy preparing for our Easter break by baking, doing a variety of crafts and having a visit from some lambs for the children to help feed. We had a photography session from SLC Photography that went well and hopefully we can arrange this again in the near future. I would like to take this opportunity to remind Parents that we will be closed on Good Friday 19.04.19 and on Easter Monday 22.04.19, we hope that you all enjoy your long weekend and we will be ready for a busy and fun filled week ahead.

Over the last couple of days we have had some new faces in the nursery, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome Olwen, Sophie and Eugine to the nursery. Olwen will be based in Miri Mawr alongside Sasha and Tia, she has bonded well with some of the children already. Sophie will be joining us in-between her lectures in the University and during the holidays. She will be mainly based in Pili Pala but will be seen in other playrooms to cover holidays and sickness of other staff, Sophie has also formed a bond with some of the children already and enjoys the company of the children whilst playing.

Di who was formerly deputy room leader in Miri mawr has moved to be deputy room leader in Enfys to work alongside Bethan, Carla and Crystal. She has knowledge of the foundation phase and is working with Bethan to ensure that the children have opportunities to learn new skills through their play.

Parents have also seen Eugine in the nursery who has been here now a couple of months preparing for his project. He has been coming into the nursery on the odd days to help the girls out with their routines and has been getting to know the children and staff ready for when his when his Makaton project begins. Eugine will be working alongside the staff with developing their knowledge and developing their Makaton signing throughout the nursery.

We have also organised two weeks of parents evening sessions on the weeks of 22.4.19-26.4.19 and 29.4.19-3.5.19 for parents to come and speak to staff from the playrooms and to see what they have been up to over the last couple of months. We have a couple of slots available so if you would like to speak to someone please make an appointment with the girls behind reception.

We hope you all enjoy your long weekend and that the Easter bunny comes to see you all.

The team at Meithrinfa Ser Bach

Mae pawb yn y feithrinfa wedi cael pythefnos prysur iawn yn ddiweddar, rydym wedi bod yn brysur yn paratoi ar gyfer gwyliau’r Pasg trwy bobi, gwneud amrywiaeth o grefftau a chael ymweliad gan rai ŵyn i’r plant helpu i fwydo. Cawsom sesiwn ffotograffiaeth gan SLC Photography a aeth yn dda a gobeithio y gallwn drefnu hyn eto yn y dyfodol agos. Hoffwn achub ar y cyfle hwn i atgoffa Rhieni y byddwn ar gau ar Ddydd Gwener y Groglith 19.04.19 ac ar Ddydd Llun y Pasg 22.04.19, rydym yn gobeithio y byddwch i gyd yn mwynhau eich penwythnos hir a byddwn yn barod am wythnos brysur a llawn hwyl

Dros y dyddiau diwethaf rydym wedi cael wynebau newydd yn y feithrinfa, hoffem gymryd y cyfle hwn i groesawu Olwen, Sophie ac Eugine i’r feithrinfa. Bydd Olwen wedi ei leoli yn Miri Mawr ochr yn ochr â Sasha a Tia, mae hi wedi bondio’n dda gyda rhai o’r plant eisoes. Bydd Sophie yn ymuno â ni rhwng ei darlithoedd yn y Brifysgol ac yn ystod y gwyliau. Bydd hi wedi’i lleoli yn bennaf yn Pili Pala ond bydd yn cael ei gweld mewn ystafelloedd chwarae eraill i gwmpasu gwyliau a salwch staff eraill.

Mae Di a oedd gynt yn ddirprwy arweinydd ystafell ym Miri mawr wedi symud i fod yn ddirprwy arweinydd ystafell yn Enfys i weithio ochr yn ochr â Bethan, Carla a Crystal. Mae ganddi wybodaeth am y cyfnod sylfaen ac mae’n gweithio gyda Bethan i sicrhau bod y plant yn cael cyfleoedd i ddysgu sgiliau newydd

Mae rhieni hefyd wedi gweld Eugine yn y feithrinfa sydd wedi bod yma nawr ychydig fisoedd yn paratoi ar gyfer ei brosiect. Mae wedi bod yn dod i mewn i’r feithrinfa ambell ddiwrnod i helpu’r merched gyda’u harferion ac mae wedi bod yn dod i adnabod y plant a’r staff yn barod ar gyfer pan fydd ei brosiect Makaton yn dechrau. Bydd Eugine yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â’r staff i ddatblygu eu gwybodaeth a datblygu eu harwyddion Makaton drwy’r feithrinfa.

Rydym hefyd wedi trefnu pythefnos o sesiynau nosweithiau rhieni ar yr wythnosau o 22.4.19-26.4.19 a 29.4.19-3.5.19 i rieni ddod i siarad â staff o’r ystafelloedd chwarae a gweld beth maent wedi bod yn ei wneud yn yr ychydig o fisoedd diwethaf. Mae gennym ychydig o slotiau ar gael felly os hoffech chi siarad â rhywun gwnewch apwyntiad gyda’r merched y tu ôl i’r dderbynfa.

Gobeithiwn y byddwch chi i gyd yn mwynhau eich penwythnos hir a bod cwningen y Pasg yn dod i’ch gweld chi i gyd.

Y tîm ym Meithrinfa Ser Bach

Red Nose Day Fun and a little more….

comic relief

Mae dawnsio, canu ac arwyddo wedi bod yn digwydd drwy’r bore ac mae’r chwerthin a’r hwyl wedi gwneud y dydd Gwener hwn i’w gofio. Diolch i bawb am eich cefnogaeth gyda’n codwr arian Comic Relief. Byddwn yn postio gwybodaeth ar ein Tudalen Rhieni.

O’r 1af o Ebrill, bydd ein strwythur prisio newydd yn cael ei gyflwyno. Diolch i chi am eich amynedd, nid yw’r newidiadau o’n dewis ni ac maen nhw wedi gwneud pethau cymhleth i rai rhieni ond os nad ydyn ni’n newid y ffordd rydyn ni’n prisio rydym yn wynebu’r risg o gael ein tynnu oddi ar y cynllun a byddai hynny’n ofnadwy i’n rhieni.

Rydym hefyd wedi cyflwyno opsiwn prisio mwy hyblyg ar gyfer ein Clwb Gwyliau. Gobeithiwn eich bod chi’n ei hoffi. Mae manylion ar gael yn y dderbynfa a hefyd ar ein gwefan.

Bydd Catherine yn ein gadael ar ddechrau mis Ebrill a bydd Di yn symud ymlaen i helpu Bethan a’i thîm felly rydym wedi hysbysebu am Uwch Weithiwr Chwarae i fod yn ddirprwy i Sasha. Byddwn yn cyfweld yr wythnos nesaf. Rydym wedi cael llawer o ddiddordeb a byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi am ddatblygiadau.


Dancing, singing and signing has been happening all morning and the sound of laughter and fun has made this a Friday to remember. Thank you all for your support with our Comic Relief fund raiser. We will post information on our Parent’s Page.

From the 1st of April our new pricing structure will be introduced. Thank you for bearing with us, the changes weren’t our choice and have complicated things for some parents but if we don’t change the way we price we run the risk of being taken off the scheme which would be awful for our parents.

We have also introduced a more flexible pricing option for our Holiday Club. We hope that you like it. Details can be found in reception and also on our website.

Catherine will be leaving us at the beginning of April and Di will be moving through to help Bethan and her team so we have advertised for a Senior Playworker to be Sasha’s right hand person and will be interviewing next week. We have had a lot of interest and will keep you posted.

Croeso 2019 Welcome


Rydym ychydig wythnosau i 2019 ac rydym eisoes yn brysur. Mae’r staff wedi bod yn manteisio ar gyrsiau hyfforddi, mae Emma a Carla yn mwynhau Cwrs Bwyd a Maeth ar gyfer Plant dan 5 a byddwn yn fuan yn barod i gyflwyno ein bwydlenni newydd i bawb. Mae’r rhain yn cael eu gwirio i sicrhau eu bod yn cwrdd â holl ofynion y cynllun Tiny Tums.

Mae Rachel, Catherine, Tia a Lauren hefyd wedi bod yn brysur yn gwneud eu hyfforddiant Cymorth Cyntaf Pediatrig.

Os oes gennych blentyn sy’n troi tair blwydd oed cyn y Nadolig, efallai y gallwch wneud cais am Oriau Gofal Plant Am Ddim. Mae hon yn gynllun gwych i helpu rhieni i leihau eu biliau gofal plant. Gallwch ffonio’r tîm gofal plant ar 01248 352436 i gael rhagor o wybodaeth.

Cyhoeddwyd ein hadroddiad arolygu ar yr 11eg o Ionawr. Mae copïau yn y dderbynfa ac rydym wedi anfon copi trwy e-bost at ein rhieni, fodd bynnag, os nad ydych wedi ei weld eto, gallwch gael mynediad ato drwy’r ddolen yma.

Erbyn hyn, mae ein tudalen rhieni preifat yn ffordd boblogaidd iawn i sicrhau bod pawb yn gyfarwydd â’r hyn y mae’r plant wedi bod yn ei wneud yn y feithrinfa. Diolch i bawb am eich adborth cadarnhaol.

Rydym wedi cael rhai ceisiadau am amseroedd agor cynharach a hwyrach. Yn anffodus, ni allwn dderbyn plant cyn 7.30am neu eu cadw ar ôl 6pm oherwydd dibenion yswiriant. Mae’n ddrwg gennym.

Er bod y plant wedi bod yn brysur yn mwynhau themâu arctig a llawer o weithgareddau tywydd oer, nid yw tywydd y gaeaf mor ddymunol i ni fel oedolion, felly gallwn ni atgoffa rhieni i gymryd gofal ychwanegol ar eu ffordd i ac o’r feithrinfa.


A few weeks into 2019 and we are already busy. The staff have been accessing training courses, Emma and Carla are enjoying a Community Food and Nutrition Course for Under 5’s and we will soon be ready to introduce our new menus to everyone. These are just being checked to ensure that they meet all of the requirements of the Tiny Tums scheme.

Rachel, Catherine, Tia and Lauren have also been busy doing their Paediatric first aid training.

If you have a child that turned three years old before Christmas you may now be able to apply for the Free Childcare Hours. This is a fantastic scheme to help parents reduce their childcare bills. You can call the childcare team on 01248 352436 for more information.

Our inspection report was published on the 11th of January. There are copies in reception and we have emailed copies to our parents however if you haven’t seen it yet you can access it via the link here.

Our private parents page is proving a very popular way to keep everyone up to date with what the children have been doing in nursery. Thank you all for your positive feedback.

We have had some requests for earlier and later opening times. Unfortunately we are unable to accept children before 7.30am or keep them after 6pm due to insurance purposes. Sorry.

Even though the children have been enjoying our arctic and cold weather theme the winter weather isn’t so pleasant for us adults so can we remind you all to take care travelling to and from the nursery.


Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Da

Ar ddiwedd pythefnos prysur, rydym yn paentio wynebau, yn dawnsio ac yn mwynhau’r dathliadau cyn i ni gau am egwyl Nadolig.

Hoffem ddiolch i chi i gyd am eich caredigrwydd a haelioni , rydym wedi gael ein spoilio. Mae’ch rhoddion at y digartref wedi diflannu ac wedi eu derbyn gyda syfrdan. Rydym yn credu bod rhieni Ser Bach yn  anhygoel.

Byddwn yn ailagor ar yr 2il o Ionawr 2019 ac felly mae gennym ychydig o newidiadau i hysbysebu.
Mae Emma yn camu i lawr fel Arweinydd Ystafell yn Ystafell yr Enfys a bydd Bethan yn cymryd drosodd yn barhaol. Gwyddom y bydd Bethan yn gwneud gwaith anhygoel, mae ganddi gymaint o syniadau a chyfoeth o brofiad. Mae rôl Emma yn y feithrinfa wedi’i datblygu a bydd yn cael ei gyflogi i gefnogi a hyfforddi staff, cefnogi a helpu rhieni a hefyd i ddysgu mwy am y tasgau gweinyddol yn y swyddfa. Fodd bynnag, bydd Emma yn parhau i fod â chyfrifoldeb cyffredinol am Enfys a’n Clwb Gwyliau.

Rydym wedi cymryd llawer o luniau o’r plant a’u holl weithgareddau Nadolig ac maent ar dudalen Facebook ein rhiant. Ymunwch os nad ydych wedi gwneud yn barod.

O bob un ohonom, rydym ni’n dymuno i chi NADOLIG LLAWEN, ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen at weld chi i gyd eto yn 2019.


At the end of a busy couple of weeks we are face painting, dancing and enjoying the festivities before we close for the Christmas break.

We would like to thank you all for your kindness and generosity we have been well and truly spoilt and your donations for the homeless have gone off and were received with amazement. We believe Ser Bach parents are pretty awesome.

We will reopen on the 2nd of January 2019 and have a couple of changes to let you know about. Emma is stepping down as Room Leader in Ystafell yr Enfys and Bethan will be taking over permanently. We know that Behan will do an amazing job, she has so many ideas and a wealth of experience. Emma’s role within the nursery will be as a support to the staff, parents and learning more about the admin tasks within the office. Emma will continue however, to have overall responsibility for Enfys and our Holiday Club.

We have taken lots of photos of the children and all of their Christmas activities and they are on our parent’s facebook page. Please join if you haven’t already.

From all of us we wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2019.

Llawer o wenu a wynebau hapus…….Many smiles and happy faces


Yr wythnos hon, rydym wedi derbyn copi drafft o’n Hadroddiad Arolygu. Bydd y copi llawn yn cael ei anfon ymlaen i bob un o’n rhieni yn bersonol unwaith y bydd wedi’i gyhoeddi’n swyddogol.

Mae ein holl staff wedi bod yn brysur yr wythnos hon gan ddarllen yr adroddiad o’r clawr i’w gorchuddio. Gan gymryd popeth a ddywed, gan geisio penderfynu pa ddarnau sy’n cyfeirio eu hystafell chwarae ac yn teimlo’n gyffredinol ar ben y byd, y maent yn wirioneddol haeddu.

Roeddem o’r farn y byddem yn rhannu rhai o’r sylwadau sydd wedi ein gwneud ni ei gwenu fwyaf.

  • Mae’r plant yn gwneud cynnydd cadarnhaol drwy anogaeth y staff ac o ganlyniad maent yn blant hyderus a hapus.
  • Mae’r plant yn dechrau deall eu hemosiynau ac emosiynau pobl eraill, ac maent yn dangos cynhesrwydd a charedigrwydd tuag at ei gilydd.  Er enghraifft, gwnaethant wahodd y plant eraill i eistedd wrth eu hymyl yn ystod amseroedd bwyd a gwnaethant sgwrsio â’i gilydd.
  • Mae’r staff yn ymroddedig iawn i’w rolau. Mae cyfrifoldebau a dyletswyddau wedi’u diffinio’n glir a rhoddir blaenoriaeth i gadw’r plant yn ddiogel ac yn iach.  Mae’r gweithgareddau wedi’u cynllunio’n dda iawn a rhoddir ystyriaeth i unigoliaeth y plant gan sicrhau eu bod yn cael budd o’u hamser ym Meithrinfa Sêr Bach.
  • Mae gan y staff ddisgwyliadau uchel ar gyfer dysgu’r plant ac maent yn mynd yr ail filltir i sicrhau bod y plant yn cael budd o weithgareddau creadigol sydd wedi’u hystyried yn drwyadl.
  • Mae’r arweinwyr yn sicrhau bod yr amgylchedd wedi’i gynllunio’n dda, yn ystyried y byd o safbwynt y plant ac yn darparu amgylchedd cyfoethog ar gyfer dysgu.
  • Mae’r amgylchedd yn gynhwysol ac yn groesawgar ac mae’r arweinwyr yn mynd yr ail filltir i sicrhau addasrwydd yr amgylchedd.

Yn bersonol, ni allwn diolch i bawb yn ddigon am eu cefnogaeth wrth helpu i wneud Meithrinfa Ser Bach y lle rhyfeddol y mae. Mae hi hyd yn oed yn well nag yr oeddwn erioed wedi dychmygu pan gymerodd Keith a minnau’r camau cyntaf dewr tuag at agor  meithrinfa ein hun.

Fel Tîm Rheoli hoffwn Emma, Stacey a fi ddiolch i’n tîm FANTASTIC am eu hymroddiad a’u gwaith caled ac i’r plant a’u teuluoedd sy’n ein gwneud ni’n gwenu a chwerthin bob dydd. Rwy’n credu y bydd ein parti Nadolig yn un da eleni.

This week we received the draft copy of our Inspection Report. Once it is published we will share it with each parent personally.

For now all of the staff have been busy reading it from cover to cover, trying to figure out which bits relate to their playroom and generally feeling very proud and happy which they totally deserve. We are so happy we couldn’t wait to share some of the report with you. We chose these bits because they made us smile the most.

  • ‘Children make positive progress through staff encouragement and as a result they are confident and happy children.’
  • ‘Children are beginning to understand their emotions and the emotions of others, they showed affection and kindness towards each other. For example, they invited others to sit next to them at meal times and they then chatted to each other.’
  • ‘Staff are extremely dedicated to their roles. Responsibilities and duties are clearly defined and keeping children safe and healthy is given high priority. Activities are extremely well planned with consideration given to children’s individuality ensuring they benefit from their time at Meithrinfa Ser Bach.’
  • ‘Staff have high expectations for children’s learning and go over and above to ensure children benefit from creative and well thought out activities.’
  • ‘Leaders ensure the environment is well planned, considers the world from children’s perspective and provides a rich environment for learning.
  • ‘The environment is inclusive and welcoming and leaders go over and above to ensure the suitability of the environment.’

I personally can’t thank everyone enough for their support in helping to make Meithrinfa Ser Bach the wonderful and amazing place that it has become. It is better than I ever dared to imagine when Keith and I took the first brave steps towards opening our own nursery.

As a Management Team Emma, Stacey and I would like to thank our FANTASTIC team for their dedication and hard work and the children and their families who make us smile and laugh each day. I think our Christmas party may be a good one this year.

Diolch………Thank you

xmas box92157794-tinsel-and-glitter-on-the-white-table-for-new-year-holiday

Diolch yn fawr iawn i’n holl rieni sydd wedi ein helpu i godi arian ar gyfer Plant mewn Angen. Bellach rydym wedi codi bron i £ 550.

Llongyfarchiadau i Kirsty a gafodd faban bach yr wythnos hon. Mae’r ddau ohonynt yn gwneud yn dda.

Mae ein bocsys esgidiau cyntaf wedi dechrau cyrraedd ar gyfer yr apêl Ddigartrefedd, unwaith eto, diolch am eich caredigrwydd.

Mae ein tudalen Facebook preifat i rieni yn profi’n boblogaidd, plis byddwch yn amyneddgar gyda ni tra byddwn yn dal i fyny ar lwytho lluniau. Byddem yn ddiolchgar iawn pe gallech chi rannu pethau oddi ar ein prif dudalen Facebook, gan mai dyma’r ffordd orau o hysbysebu, diolch.

Yr wythnos hon mae Cheryl wedi mynychu cwrs gloywi fel ein bod ni’n cadw ein hachrediad Tiny Tums. Ym mis Ionawr, gobeithiwn y bydd Ceri, Emma a Carla yn mynychu’r cwrs llawn a byddwn yn gallu lansio bwydlen newydd yn y gwanwyn gyda sesiynau blasu ar gyfer rhieni.

Mae’r gweithgareddau Nadolig wedi cychwyn gyda gliter a thinsel ac unrhyw beth arall sy’n sbarduno o gwmpas pob cornel. Rydym yn gobeithio y bydd y plant yn mwynhau’r wythnosau nesaf.

Dyddiadau pwysig:

Rydym yn cau am y Nadolig ar 21ain Rhagfyr ac yn ailagor ar yr 2il o Ionawr.

Bydd Clwb Gwyliau ar agor o’r 2il – 4ydd Ionawr 2019

Mae gennym ni ‘wythnos siwpr Nadolig’ o’r 10eg – 14eg Rhagfyr

Cinio Nadolig ar y 18fed o Ragfyr a pharti Nadolig ar brynhawn y 21ain o Ragfyr.


A huge thank you to all of our parents who supported us with raising money for Children in Need. We still have money coming in and have now raised close to £550.

Congratulations to Kirsty who had a baby boy this week. Both of them are doing well.

Our first shoe boxes have started arriving for the Homeless appeal, once gain, thank you.

Our parents Facebook page is proving to be popular, please bear with us while we catch up on uploading pictures. We would be very grateful if you could still share posts off our main Facebook page as this is still our most successful form of advertising, Thank you

This week Cheryl has attended a refresher course so that we keep our Tiny Tums accreditation. In January we hope that Ceri, Emma and Carla will be doing the full course and we will be able to launch a new menu in the spring with tasting sessions for parents.

Christmas preparations are starting in earnest with glitter and tinsel and anything else that sparkles around every corner. We hope that the children will enjoy the next few weeks.

Important dates:

We close for Christmas on the 21st December and reopen on the 2nd of January.

Holiday Club will be open from the 2nd – 4th January 2019

We have Christmas jumper week from the 10th – 14th December

Christmas Dinner on the 18th of December and a Christmas party on the afternoon of the 21st of December.




Dyddiau Agored Rhienni….Parent’s Open Days

pudesyByddwn yn cynnal nosweithiau rhieni mewn fformat ychydig yn wahanol y tymor hwn, yn ystod wythnos Plant Mewn Angen, Tachwedd 12-16fed, gallwch chi ymuno rhwng amseroedd 10.30am – 11.15am, 1pm – 2pm neu 4.15pm – 5.15pm i edrych ar lyfr Dwylo Prysur eich plentyn, cael sgwrs, ymuno a gemau Plant mewn Angen a mwynhau teisen a helpu ni i godi arian am achos mor werth chweil.

Os ydych chi eisiau siarad yn benodol ag aelod  o staff, siaradwch gyda Emma, Stacey neu Sasha fel y gallwn geisio darparu ar gyfer eich anghenion.

Diolch i bawb am eich geiriau caredig ynglŷn â’n harchwiliad yr wythnos diwethaf, rydym yn dal i wenu. Cyn gynted ag y cyhoeddir yr adroddiad byddwn yn ei rhannu gyda chi. Gall hyn gymryd ychydig o fisoedd.

We will be holding our parent’s evenings in a slightly different format this term, over the course of Children in Need week, November 12-16th  you can pop in between the times of 10.30am – 11.15am, 1pm – 2pm or 4.15pm – 5.15pm to have a look at your child’s Dwylo Prysur Book, have a chat, enjoy our Children in Need games and spoil yourself with a cake and help us to raise money for such a worthwhile cause. 

If you want to speak specifically with a certain member of staff  please speak to the Emma, Stacey or Sasha so we can try and accommodate your needs.

Thank you all for your kind words regarding our inspection last week, we are still smiling. As soon as the report is published we will share it with you. This may take a couple of months.


Excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent……… we have never been prouder!

After a long morning of waiting for a phone call and all of us jumping each time the phone rang we are all thrilled to bits with the feedback from our Care Standards Inspector and proud of our amazing team who work hard all day everyday to improve our service and answer the needs of our families.

On Wednesday morning we had a surprise visit (no notice) and I can only thank my amazing team from the bottom of my heart for the way they stayed calm and carried on as I was on a day off and out walking when I got a lot of messages. After a long jog home, I joined them only to find that they were all totally in control. Thanks guys!

We have been described as a ‘truly child centered, sector leading setting’ and have been awarded excellent for all four areas, Well being of Children, Care and Development of Children, Environment and Leadership and Management.

There is a happy buzz around the nursery this afternoon. Thank you to all of our families for their continued support and especially to the amazing children we care for.

Ladies have a fantastic weekend, you are all stars!xxxxx


Autumn fun and busy days…

We have had a busy couple of at Sêr Bach.

It is our pleasure to have welcomed Ceri to our team as our Cook. She has been busy experimenting with lots of different dishes to see what the children enjoy before she will meet with Bev our dietitian to make some changes to the menu. The children seem to be enjoying lots of the changes. We will keep you posted and send them out once they are finalised.

Congratulations to Crystal, Lauren and Rachel on completing and updating their Safeguarding training and to Emma for completing her Paediatric First Aid.

Our students who worked with us last year on the Makaton research project have all moved on to further their careers, Ivannah is working in Germany, Angel is working and studying at Edge Hill Universtity and Jenny will be working in Dubai. we miss their company but are proud to have made lifelong friends and wish them all the best. Next year we hope to continue with this link as the benefits to our staff in receiving bespoke training are amazing. Yesterday I attended a Makaton Study day in Manchester, it was an interesting and informative day but mostly I was proud that what we have attempted to do at Sêr Bach fulfills lots of the aims that Makaton have for the charity. Here is a link to an amazing video, take a look it is guaranteed to raise a smile and bring a tear to your eye on a dull day… tube 50 Ordinary Families

The children in every room have really enjoyed the Autumn theme, going for walks, Rala Rwdins stories and lots of sensory activities. There have been lots of photos posted on facebook.

We have a questionnaire for our families to complete on reception about how we can best keep you up to date with nursery news, please take a couple of minutes to fill it in. Thank you.