Author: Cheryl Thomas

Six month birthday….


This week marked Sêr Bach’s six month anniversary. Half a year has flown and it has been fantastic fun looking back through the children’s Dwylo Prysur books to see all the things we have done in such a short amount of time. Thank you to our lovely children and their families, to my amazing staff, you are worth your weight in gold, and to my friends and family for all their help and support this wouldn’t have been possible without you.

Fingers crossed for a sunny spring so we can put more plans into action.

Music workshops with the talented Mr Gethin Thomas – we can’t wait!!

This week has been fantastically busy with lots of valentines crafts and preparing for a busy half term week.

Everyone is looking forward to  our morning of music workshops with the very talented Mr Gethin Thomas next Tuesday. Both Debbie and I know how special the morning will be and how much the children will enjoy themselves.

Later in the week we will be celebrating Chinese New Year with some Chinese sensory activities, a special Chinese dinner and some exciting art and crafts.

We promise to post some pictures as next week goes on.


Learning about teeth brushing.


Thank you to Nest from the Design to Smile Team who came to introduce teeth brushing to our over 2’s this week. Everyone enjoyed themselves and the children are so proud of our red brush bus!

We have had a busy week with lots of visitors and settling in sessions for our new babies and children. If you are interested in finding out more about what we have to offer at Sêr Bach take a look at our website or contact Cheryl or Debbie to make an appointment to have a look around.


Sensory story time…..


There was a lot of happy giggling and gurgling from our toddlers and babies during our sensory and messy story activity this week, mixing and playing with the three bears porridge. Look out for posts showing our masterpieces of porridge art as the week goes on. If you are interested in knowing more about what Sêr Bach has to offer pop in and see us or call Cheryl or Debbie on 01248 751454.

Hwyl a sbri gyda Selog


Cafodd pawb hwyl yng nghwmni Sara a Selog (Menter Iaith) heddiw yn gwrando ar straeon a chanu. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen i weld nhw eto.

Everyone had fun today with Sara and Selog from Menter Iaith listening to stories and singing. We are looking forward to having their company again.


What a lovely way to spend a wet and rainy afternoon.

I have had a lovely afternoon playing with fabrics and ribbons planning and creating new sensory activities for our babies and toddlers. Looking forward to trying them out next week and welcoming some more lovely children to Sêr Bach.

Diolch….. Thank you……

Since starting on our Sêr Bach project I have met many lovely people and today I would like to say a huge thank you to Dylan from D13 Creative for fixing some of the tabs on our website. Dylan you are one in a million 🙂

Toddler Art

Our toddlers have had a wonderful time expressing themselves investigating  colours and textures with  paint and all sorts of crafty materials this week. Pop in and have a look at some of the activities that we have on offer and meet our fantastic staff.  We are open Monday to Friday 7.30am – 6pm.


Ball pool fun….

SL381359Our soft play and ball pool are proving to be amazingly popular with our new toddlers. It is fantastic to see them developing their social skills whilst having so much fun. The sensory input that young children and babies get from playing in a ball pool is also vital towards helping them to develop concentration skills when they are older. Would you like to know more about what Sêr Bach has to offer? Call in and see us or ring Debbie or Cheryl on 01248 751454.

2015 – off to a busy start.

SL380940Ser Bach is proud to have a staff who are all trained and experienced in Baby Sign, a skill that not only helps to develop communication skills but reduces stress and toddler tantrums. The skills developed with our youngest children will benefit them  long after they stop signing, research shows that children who have used sign as babies continue to show benefits well into their school years. Our pre-school children love to join in signing with the youngest children. Look out for more developments in 2015 starting with the development of our own signing nursery booklets and family signing sessions.