Diolch…..Thank you

Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb am yr adborth anhygoel mae Sêr Bach wedi derbyn wythnos yma. Roedd yn hyfryd i gwrdd â Sara o Menter Iaith, cyfarfod nifer o rienni a phlant newydd a hefyd, cael cyfle i ddal i fyny gyda hen ffrindiau. Wythnos gwych ac amseroedd cyffroes i ddod!!!

Thank you to everyone for the amazing feedback Sêr Bach has received this week. It was lovely to meet with Sara from Menter Iaith, meet a number of new parents with their babies and children and to get a chance to catch up with some old friends. A fantastic week and exciting times to come!!!!

A huge THANK YOU to Debbie and Stacey for all their support and hard. xxxx
